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Any person who uses prohibited substances and methods to enhance their performance in sport, whether in competition or training, is in violation of the ethical principles of sport enshrined in the UNESCO International Convention Against Doping in Sport.
Following a Ministerial Round Table held at UNESCO in January 2003, a decision was taken at the 32nd session of the UNESCO General Conference to help resolve the issue of doping in sport through an international convention. The Convention was approved on October 19, 2005. It entered into force on February 1, 2007 and to date it has been ratified by more than 170 countries.
Currently, the fight against doping in Puerto Rico is fundamentally regulated in Chapter VII of the Single Text of December 4, 2008, which includes Law 16 of 1995, which reorganizes the National Sports Institute and Law 50 of 2007 , which amends said Law, providing for the “Control of prohibited substances and non-regulatory methods in sports” and creating the Puerto Rico Anti-Doping Organization (PRADO).